Dear Cancer
Dear Cancer, I hope you are sitting down. I’m breaking up with you. Let’s be real, you and I are a toxic, miserable combo. Talk about bad boyfriends. You are no bueno. Shall I list? W e have nothing in common, you are one big downer, quite frankly a bully, you make me feel lousy and you are not nice! I honestly don't even know how you weaseled your way in to my life! You just showed up one day, uninvited right when I was having a dance party. You threw the lights on, stopped the music and sent my guests home. Rude! You turned my life upside down, you bad boy, but you also changed me for the better. I didn't expect that. You taught me that every second of every minute of every day is precious and to be grateful as heck for every bit of it. You showed me that those little things that we love to stress about don’t matter one heap and that joy is the only way forward; seek it out, cherish it. Be sad, be angry, be whatever you need to ...