Vladimir and the Cauliflower Garden: A Cancer Story- Simply Woman magazine
Originally published www.simplywoman.com June 4, 2018 the power of the “no” vladimir and the cauliflower garden: a cancer story. your weekly horoscope by the astro twins june 2018 sun sign horoscopes by maya white what helps me cope with difficult emotions is this a reason not to love them? Home > Feature > Vladimir and the Cauliflower Garden: A cancer story. vladimir and the cauliflower garden: a cancer story. - simply woman By simply...woman! on June 4, 2018 By Catherine Porter Introducing Vladimir! Vlad is my bladder and right now, of all of my internal organs, this handsome devil is the star, the name on the marquees, the one with the spotlight on him, though perhaps for all the wrong reasons. Lately, Vlad has not quite been getting his job right, not for lack of trying. I equate him to a well intentioned organic farmer, who tried to be mindful...